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bet8九州登录入口的学位授予学院是学术的家园 departments, schools, and centers which deliver diverse programs, degrees, and majors. Each college has a unique community and culture that supports each student’s specific personal, academic, and professional goals. But no matter which college you join, you’ll be Forever bound by the OHIO experience.

College of Arts and Sciences

OHIO’s College of Arts and Sciences prepares students to be leaders, innovators and change makers.

我们鼓励学生撸起袖子, explore emerging interests, and participate in applied research and service opportunities to build sustainable communities and solve real-world problems here in Appalachia and beyond. Our graduates are equipped to not only be marketable and successful professionals, but also the thinkers, innovators, 以及将永远推动社区和行业向前发展的领导者.

Dean: Matthew Ando


College of Business

在bet8九州登录入口商学院, it’s not about one experience, it’s about all of them.

bet8九州登录入口商学院, we understand that it takes more than one great internship or even a degree to build a successful career – that’s why our approach ensures students have the multiple, 建立真正的商业技能所需的各种经验. 我们和学生一起创造层次, 个性化的学术计划和全面, diverse experiences that build the know-how and character it takes to disrupt, impact and lead any business.

Dean: Jackie Rees Ulmer


College of Fine Arts


bet8九州登录入口美术学院, students partner with world-class faculty to produce collaborative work with community impact as part of a thriving arts incubator. 我们为学生提供像艺术本身一样具有变革性的体验, 让学生为成为创客的终身职业做好准备, creators and leaders. 你将成为更伟大事业的一部分, meeting collaborators and mentors committed to your lifelong success and connecting to a larger community of artists in a unique part of the world that is rich with inspiration and embraces creative risk.

Dean: Matthew Shaftel


Graduate College

俄亥俄州的研究生院影响着每一个研究生和他们的学术, 创意及专业发展, 从录取到他们的毕业论文. Special grants, fellowships and opportunities to showcase their work provide students an opportunity to prepare for careers from academia to industry. 适合兴趣跨越不同学科的学生, the college offers individual interdisciplinary and translational biomedical science programs.

Dean: David Koonce


College of Health Sciences and Professions

One of the nation's largest health-focused colleges and a leader in population health.

Now more than ever, we recognize that health is bigger and more complex than simply treating disease. 健康影响生活的方方面面,从经济到教育. 在bet8九州登录入口健康科学与专业学院, 我们是全国最大的健康学院之一. But, more importantly, 我们解决健康问题的创新方法——影响健康的因素, 谁提供它以及如何改进它——这很重要. OHIO provides students with access to both a broad network of top hospital and clinical settings statewide and the opportunity to serve the underserved in rural communities. And, as a leader in population health, 我们拥抱社区伙伴关系,建立协作, 可扩展的解决方案,能够应对这个时代最大的危机和挑战.

Dean: John McCarthy




With campuses in Athens, Dublin and Cleveland, the Heritage College of Osteopathic medicine prides itself on training osteopathic primary care physicians to serve Ohio and is the largest provider of primary care physicians in the state. 这里发生的一切正在改变世界各地人们的生活. 以合作精神为动力, the Heritage College equips students to become great doctors and even greater caregivers. You'll leave prepared and passionate, because true transformation begins at the Heritage College.

Dean: Ken Johnson


Honors Tutorial College


The HTC Tutorial Programs provide high-achieving students with flexibility to pursue their academic interests in intensive one-on-one and small-group tutorials with faculty. 有35个学习项目,你可以选择一个主题来学习和深入研究. 作为一名HTC的学生,发现自己在不寻常的地方是很常见的事情. We allow exceptional, driven, and intellectually curious students to pursue their passions and discover new interests through tailored, rigorous individual study—even if it falls outside of OHIO’s extensive course offerings.

Interim Dean: Beth Novak


Center for International Studies


俄亥俄州充满活力的国际研究社区的一部分, the Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies program in the Center for International Studies provides students a broad and interdisciplinary understanding of other peoples and societies, 使学生在广泛的常见问题上有效地工作. Global studies’ students and alumni are well equipped for careers with non-governmental and governmental organizations, multinational corporations, and think tanks, 以及攻读相关领域的研究生学位.


Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education

我们培养准备好领导的毕业生, to drive change, 改善结果并不断响应号召.

The Patton College is the home to excellent academic programs housed in four academic departments: Counseling and Higher Education, Educational Studies, Recreation, Sports Pedagogy, and Consumer Sciences, and Teacher Education. We’re committed to creating lasting changes that make the fields of education and human services more inclusive, 无论是在实践中,还是在人们对它们的看法上. This work isn’t easy, and that’s exactly what keeps us stepping up to the challenge.

Interim Dean: Lisa Harrison


Russ College of Engineering and Technology

Delivering experiences that build students ready to change the world for the better.

在俄罗斯工程技术学院, 我们知道雇主更喜欢那些量身定制的专业人士, never mass-produced. From late-night research sessions with top-publishing faculty members to national competitions that connect future collaborators, personalized experiences prepare our students better in four years than many programs do in five. More than 96 percent of our students graduate with job offers in hand and prepared to change the world for the better.

Dean: Patrick Fox


Scripps College of Communication

Producing the world’s best storytellers with hands-on experience in the field’s emerging technologies and latest innovations.

bet8九州登录入口斯克里普斯传播学院, one thing hasn’t changed – we have always been at the forefront of this dynamic industry. Our legendary programs in journalism and visual communication have been churning out Pulitzer-winning, 几十年的行业定义记者和摄影师, 但我们在新兴技术教学方面也处于领先地位, interdisciplinary collaboration, 以及在一个联系日益紧密的世界里讲故事的策略.

Dean: Scott Titsworth


University College


大学学院为尚未确定专业的学生提供服务, 提供一些独特的或跨学科的学位, and provides institutional leadership across colleges in order to promote student success. The college provides a number of university-wide services and is home to key units such as the First-Year and Student Transitions, 社区参与中心, and Student Accessibility Services that help all undergraduates attain academic success.

Dean: David Nguyen



A leader in building partnerships to find solutions to challenges facing communities, the economy and the environment.

The Voinovich School finds solutions to challenges facing our rural region and scales them across the whole of Appalachia and beyond. 通过全州网络的公私伙伴关系, 我们采用创新的方法来促进经济增长和创造机会, 社会影响和可持续性, 以及领导力和社区建设,以提供资源和专业知识. 我们的公共事务研究生, environmental studies and sustainability have opportunities to be involved in countless community projects.

Dean: Tracy Plouck
