

What is the difference between graduation and commencement?

你必须申请毕业,以便你的学院办公室审查你的学位/证书要求,并决定你的学位/证书是否会被授予/拒绝. 通过申请毕业,这将启动毕业程序. When a degree/certificate is conferred, 注册办公室的毕业部门将在学生的正式成绩单上包括学位符号, and order and mail the 文凭/证书. 


How do I apply for graduation and why?

GRADUATION IS NOT AUTOMATIC! 要毕业,所有学生,本科生,研究生和医学,必须通过网上申请 My俄亥俄州学生中心 不迟于 申请的最后期限 listed for the term in which graduation is planned.

毕业申请的提交启动了毕业过程, 是什么导致了每个学院对学位的正式授予或拒绝. 当授予学位时,注册办公室的毕业部门将在学生的正式成绩单上包括学位符号, order and mail their diploma, print the student's name in the commencement program, and verify the award of the degree to prospective employers. Click for detailed 信息 on the 毕业典礼流程 - Quick Reference.

If a student applies for graduation and the degree is denied, 学生可以在他们打算完成毕业要求的学期内重新申请学位.

How do I qualify to 研究生 with honor?

如果你获得学士学位,并且你毕业时的累积平均绩点(GPA)为3.500 to 3.749, your accomplishment will be recognized by the 不ation "Cum Laude" on your diploma and transcript; if your GPA is 3.750 to 3.899, the honor is "Magna Cum Laude;" and if your GPA is 3.900 to 4.000, the honor is "Summa Cum Laude."

有资格获得荣誉, 你必须完成至少30个学期/48个季度的信件成绩,这些成绩会影响我们在bet8九州登录入口居住期间的GPA. 印在秋季和春季毕业典礼上的拉丁文荣誉分数是基于学生在毕业前的最新累积GPA. 

When does the graduation application open?

毕业申请将在开学第一天正式开放 官方校历.

What if I want to change the way my name appears on my diploma?

Students may choose to use their legal name, an abbreviated variation of their legal name, 或者他们可以在申请毕业时提供一个首选(选择)的名字.  如果使用不当或存在虚假陈述,学校保留删除文凭名称的权利. bet8九州登录入口建议计划在美国以外生活或工作的毕业生在文凭上使用他们的合法姓名.  如果学生的文凭与其他法律文件(如成绩单)不一致,可能会出现并发症, 护照, 或者出生证明. 在我的俄亥俄学生中心更新你的首选名字是很重要的.  If you have changed your legal name, 你应填妥个人资料验证表格,交回大学教务处, 毕业分, with supporting documentation. You will need to submit a copy of one of the following:

  • 护照
  • 法庭诉讼文书
  • Divorce decree (the appropriate page of the decree)
  • 结婚证书
  • 有效的驾驶执照和社会保障卡(必须同时提交)
  • 联邦或州签发的身份证和社会保障卡(必须同时提交)

你可以向大学注册办公室提交文件, 毕业分, 丘伯保险锁大厅, 雅典, 俄亥俄州45701, 或传真至大学教务处, 关注毕业, at 740.593.0216.

需要更改姓名的区域校区学生可以向其区域校区的学生服务办公室提交适当的文件, mail the 信息 to the above address, or fax the 信息 to the above fax number.

When and where will my 文凭/证书 be mailed?

您的文凭/证书将在毕业后大约八周邮寄到您申请时提供的地址. 文凭/certificates are sent via First Class mail. 请通知 毕业部门 或致电740.593.4196, if your 文凭/证书 mailing address changes.

文凭/证书将不会邮寄给经济或其他hold的学生,直到hold被释放. bet8九州登录入口颁发的文凭/证书尺寸如下:证书11W × 8.5H, Associate's Degree 11W x 8.学士和硕士学位14W × 11H,博士和医学15W × 12H. 

If you have any questions concerning your diploma, please email graduation@俄亥俄州.edu 或致电740.593.4196.


At the close of spring semester, bet8九州登录入口 holds one 研究生 commencement ceremony, two under研究生 commencement ceremonies, and one annual medical commencement ceremony.

  • To be eligible to participate in spring commencement, have your name listed in the commencement program, and purchase a cap and gown, 你必须在春季学期提交了有效的毕业申请. 如果你将在春季毕业典礼后的夏季学期完成学位要求, 然后你可以申请春季毕业,表明你将在夏季完成学位.

At the close of fall semester, bet8九州登录入口举办本科生和研究生联合毕业典礼.

  • To be eligible to participate in fall commencement, have your name listed in the commencement program, and purchase a cap and gown, 你必须在前一个夏季学期已经获得学位,或者在秋季学期提交了有效的学位毕业申请.

学士帽及学士服 信息

Where can I get 信息 about commencement?

活动事务处协调毕业典礼,包括帽子和礼服的销售. Information about commencement is available at the 毕业典礼上网站 or you may email their office at commencement@俄亥俄州.edu,或致电740.593.4020.

申请毕业 不是自动的. 毕业, all students (under研究生, 研究生, and medical) must apply 不迟于 graduation 申请的最后期限 for the term in which graduation is planned.


How do I replace my 文凭/证书?

bet8九州登录入口 provide copies of diplomas/certificates. 要获得 更换 文凭/证书, 你必须提交一份经过公证的宣誓书,证明原始文凭/证书已经丢失, 摧毁了, 从来没有收到, or you had a legal name change. 如果您更改了合法名称,您还必须退还原始文凭/证书. The fee for a 更换 diploma is $15.00. Please print and complete the Replacement Diploma/Certificate Request form and mail with proper payment. 补发的文凭/证书将附有大学职员现时的职衔及签名. It also will carry the 不ation of "official 更换." Please allow four to six weeks for delivery.

如果您有其他问题,请致电740注册办公室.593.4196,或电子邮件 graduation@俄亥俄州.edu.

What do I do if the graduation application is 不 working?

Has the deadline to apply for graduation passed?


  • 尝试不同的浏览器
  • Clear the browser's cache/history
  • Enable the pop-up blocker and allow pop-ups for that page

如果以上步骤不起作用,请联系毕业部, graduation@俄亥俄州.edu or 740.593.4196.

Has the deadline to apply for graduation passed?

If yes, please contact the 毕业部门, 740.593.4196 to make a manual application over the phone. 请注意,除了毕业申请费外,还有100美元的滞纳金. 



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